Saturday, April 10, 2010

Digital Nation - Part III

The last portion of Digital Nation brought up several points that really grabbed my attention. I found it very intriguing within the Relationships segment when World of Warcraft guild members said that they have formed closer online friendships than real life ones and the majority of them have never ever met one another face to face. I guess technology really has rewritten the rules of interaction for society. There is definitely a societal urge to connect to people online and I must admit that prior to this class, my connecting online did not extend past the people that I knew and had talked to face to face. However, I am now finding it easier to open up and put my virtual self out there by commenting on blogs and twittering. It is still in it’s beginning stages however, I have definitely taken more steps in this particular direction than I have even before. It is surprising and very satisfying the connections one makes via the internet. Making a Connection was a post that I wrote back in March about a connection I make with a student from B.C. by simply just commenting on her blog. Her comments back along with her enthusiasm made my day.

Since my boyfriend is in the military, more specifically the Air Force, I find myself becoming more and more drawn to military issues in particular. This world is definitely foreign to me in terms of lingo, procedures, etc. (kind of like how technology was at the beginning of this course) however, the more effort I make to learn about this world the more comfortable I feel. In regards to Digital Nation , the segments titled Can Virtual Experiences Change Us? and Where are we headed? have really struck a chord with me. Firstly I had no idea that the drones over in Iraq were being flown by pilots back in Las Vegas instead of the pilots physically being present in the country that the actual drone is in. Watching this segment reminded me of how people sit down and play video games to be honest, except in this case the U.S. soldiers are sitting down a half a world away to fight a virtual war. Boy, reality and virtual are overlapping to the degree that I wonder if you would be ever able to separate them again?

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