Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Tech Task #4 - Digital Storytelling

This is exactly what keeps me from diving head first into technology...the fact that I can work days and days on end to get a program to load, then open, then it decides not to save my project...ARGH!! I am really, really frustrated! I see the good of having technology in the classroom, I do but it is so aggravating when you know what you want to accomplish but the technology does not let you do it. To be honest, I have been close to tears with this tech task several times...between PhotoStory 3 loading then not saving my projects to VoiceThread closing for no reason than to give me a heart attack, I feel very drained and not really looking forward to the other projects, if I am going to have to struggle so much to get something finished. I hope I can figure out what I am doing wrong, since I am happy with my end result however, I can't afford to spent probably 5 - 10 hours on a tech task.

Anyways, now that I have gotten that off of my chest. I finally figured out how to work VoiceThread and ended up putting together a digital story of all of the trips I have gone on and one in particular that is yet to come this weekend... I am very happy with the final result and even though I had some troubles along the way, I am proud that I never gave up!

Here is my VoiceThread Video titled Past Trips and Future Adventures:

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