Here are a few things that I learned while making my very first stop motion film:
1. It takes a lot of patience and a steady hand (next time, the camera will be on a stand).
2. ALWAYS check for shadows in the first few pictures before continuing on.
3. Windows Move Maker is a great tool to used, just be very patience with it.
4. SAVE! SAVE! SAVE you work!
In regards to the last point, the only part of this project that frustrated me slightly was that my Windows Movie Maker kept freezing up on me which led to me not only losing some of the work I did but having to wait about ten minutes for it to reload. However, patience is a virtue and I learned very quickly that I need to take my time and wait until my mouse pointer is finished loading before clicking or loading something else.
Anyways, with out further ado, here is my video. Enjoy!
Beginner Technology in Seuss English: Oh, The Places I've Been
Your final reflection was awesome!! My kids love Dr. Seuss so I found what you did wonderful.